Open Pit Mine & Waste Dump Design
MINP 201 – Open Pit Mine and
Waste Dump Design GEOVIA Surpac - 5 days
MINP 202 – Open Pit Mine and Waste Dump Design GEOVIA GEMS
- 4 days
Who Should Attend
Open Pit Mine Design is a two-day course designed for mine planners, mining engineers, and geologist who are responsible for activities that require them to design and manage pits, ramps, switchbacks, slots, and waste dumps. It is ideally suited to those from industry who wish to gain a more in depth knowledge of modern mine planning and design theory and software tools.
Course Description
Open Pit Mine and Waste Dump
Design is a five-day course designed for mine planners,
mining engineers, and geologist who are responsible for
activities that require them to design and manage pits,
ramps, switchbacks, slots, and waste dumps. It is ideally
suited to those from industry who wish to gain a more in
depth knowledge of modern mine planning and design theory
and software tools.The participants will complete a
pit-design project during the course. The course covers open
pit design terminology, impact of loading and hauling
equipment on pit and waste dump design, working bench and
safety berm geometry, haul road parameters and geometric pit
design. Prior to engaging in pit design, the course reviews
principles and fundamental concepts in creating points,
strings, and triangulations; generations of plans and
sections and tools required in pit design. In addition,
surface and solid modeling for the purpose of open pit
design is reviewed and practiced. The course includes a
project for top-down and bottomup pit design guided by
year-end surfaces generated in a life-of-mine Whittle
project. The project starts from the final optimal pit
shell, intermediate pits shells, and the long-term schedule
generated in Whittle. It covers topics on how to choose the
required parameters such as berm width, variable pit slope
angle, and batter angle to achieve a desired pit and dump
design. The project continues with creating surface
triangulations from the pit design, obtaining volumes,
tonnages and grades reported by bench, rock type and grade
range from the designed pit.
Outcomes of the course include:
• Understand pit design parameters &
• Understand pit design theory
• Use optimal pit shells in pit design
• Select loading and hauling equipment
• Define Bench geometry as a function of
equipment specs
• Understand haul road design
• Design of toes, crests, ramps,
switchbacks and slots
• Define berm width, pit slope angle and
batter angle
• Create final pit designs and surfaces
from the designs
• Obtain volumes, tonnages and grades
reported by bench
• Design variable pit slopes • Handle
• Manage single-pit splitting to
• Design variable pit slopes based on
• Carryout multi-benching
• Design waste dumps
• Understand pit design parameters
& components
• Understand pit design theory
• Create detailed pit and dump designs
• Use optimal pit shells in pit design
• Understand haul road design
• Use year-end surfaces in pit
• Create road designs incorporating
• Create road designs using vehicle
• Create simple dam and dyke
• Gridding and contouring of
surface data
• Generating bench plan views and
• Block model tonnage and grade
• Cut and fill volume calculations
• Design based on loading and
hauling equipment
• Define Bench geometry as a
function of equipment specs
• Design of toes, crests, ramps,
switchbacks and slots
• Define berm width, pit slope
angle and batter angle
• Create final pit designs and
surfaces from the designs
• Obtain volumes, tonnages and
grades reported by bench
• Design variable pit slopes
• Handle multi-benching
• Manage single-pit splitting to
• Design variable pit slopes based
on rock-types
• Design waste dumps
Module 1
• Introduction to SURPAC
for pit design
• SURPAC data
• Function-centric
and data-centric operations
• Strings
o String data hierarchy
o Description fields
o Data numbering and
o String directions
o String file structure
• Planes
o Active plane
o Planes projection
o Moving between planes
o Moving between planes
in reverse view
o Changing the viewing
• Determine
bearing and distance between two points
• Select mode to
break, join, and renumber segments
• Use
String/Object/Cloud mode to delete and clean strings
• Use
String/Object/Cloud to renumber a string
• String tools
o Create toe/crest line
types/ user profiles
o Create boundary
o Creating strings for
pit design
• The Move tool
o Move data along an axis
o Move data in a plane
o Move data in three
Create a simple pit design
o Managing data in layers
o Creating a boundary
string between two DTM
o Calculating cut and
fill volume using DTM surfaces
o Calculate a volume for
a solid model
o Clip data by a boundary
• Produce
a plot of a pit using Auto-plot
Module 2
• Pit
• Basic bench geometry
• The pit expansion process
• Pit slope geometry
• Final pit slope angles
• Plan representation of bench geometry
• Geometric sequencing
o Frontal cuts
o Drive-by cuts
o Parallel cuts
o Minimum required
operating room for parallel cuts
o Cut sequencing
• Open Pit Terminology & Calculations
o Bench Face, Crest, Toe
o Bench Height and Width
o Berm, Batter Angel,
Bank Width SURPAC Tools
for Pit Design
• Open Pit Design
o How many benches?
o Deepest bench?
o Single pit splitting
into multiple pits
• Pit design parameters
o General design
o Define bench parameters
o Define ramp slot
• Display the mine design toolbar and
menu bar
• Creating a simple pit
• Pit design data preparation
o Create ore outlines
o Import LG practical
optimal push-backs
o Import Whittle
long-term mine plan
o View Whittle outlines
in the block model
o Add slope values
• Pit design project set up
o Modify toe/crest string
o Create new toe/crest
o Define the starting
o Define the slope method
o Define a new ramp
o Ramp generation and
automated pit design
o Expand by bench height
and berm width
o Expand single bench
o Expand multiple benches
o Edit a pit design
• Pit design methods
o Bottom to top design
o Top
to bottom design
• Additional Pit Design Tools
o Restart a pit design
o Design a switchback
o Create slot entrance
& switchbacks
o Create line for
opposite ramping
• Creating a DTM of a pit design
o Clean pit design
Module 3
• Life-of-mine pit design
• Waste Dump Design
o General dump design
o Define bench parameters
o Set current bench/toe
o Create new toe/crest
o Create ramp entrance
o Expand single bench
o Expand multiple benches
o Design a waste dump
o Calculate dump volume
• Open Pit Terminology & Calculations
o Bench Face,
Crest, Toe
o Bench Height
and Width
o Berm, Batter
Angel, Bank Width
• Selection of Loading & Hauling Equipment
o Shovel size
o Bucket capacity
o Theoretical
cycle time
o Fill factor,
efficiency, and availability
o Determination
of shovel geometry
o Dumping radius
and height
o Shovel
Selection from OEM literature
o Haulage truck
• Bench Geometry and Equipment Specifications
o Shovel working
range specifications
o Haul truck OEM
o Working bench
width calculations
o Safety bench
width calculations
• Haul Road Design
o Haul road design
o Haul road geometric design
o Optimal and maximum
sustained grades
o Horizontal (longitudinal)
o Road width calculations
o Curvature and switchbacks
o Safety berms o Ditches and
o Estimating haul road
rolling resistance
• Polyline Tools
o Advanced polyline tools
o Create status line types/
user profiles
o Digitize/edit and
select polylines
o Create boundary
o Multiline
o Creating polylines
for pit design
• Pit Design Project Set Up
o Create pit design project
o Create/modify status line
o Create/modify bench
• Pit Design Parameters o General design
o Define bench parameters
o Define ramp slot
o Define rock code
Module 4
• Import LG Optimal Pit Shells &
• Open Pit Design
o How many
o Deepest
o Top
bench o Pit design steps
o Bottom
to top design tools
o Top to
bottom design tools
o Set
current bench/toe
o Create
new toe/crest lines
Automatic fix features
o Activate
o Create
ramp entrance
o Ramp
generation and automated pit design
o Expand
single bench
o Expand
multiple benches
o Create
slot entrance & switchbacks
o Create
line for opposite ramping
o Single
pit splitting into multiple pits
o Complete
the design o Typical pit design issues and errors
• Variable Pit Slopes
o Defining
geotechnical domains
o Defining
slope domains for the pit
• Multi-Benching
• Creating a Surface from Pit Designs
o Create
TIN Surface
o Create a
pit surface
o Combine
the pit surface with topography
o Surface
Creation Errors
• Calculating and Categorizing Volumes
Volumetric reports (tonnes/grades)
Volumetric settings
o Volume
between two surfaces
o Volume
by bench o Grades and tonnages
• Dump Design o General dump design
o Define
bench parameters
o Set
current bench/toe
o Create
new toe/crest lines
o Create
ramp entrance
o Expand
single bench
Expand multiple benches
Module 5
• Haul Road Design
• Haul road geometric design parameters
o Design of a spiral
road-inside the wall
o Design of a spiral ramp
- outside the wall
o Design of a switchback
• The volume represented by a road
• Road section
• Straight segment design
• Curve design
• Conventional parallel berm design
• Median berm design
• Key road planning and alignment factors
• Haul truck stopping distance
• Sight distance and vertical curves
• Road Width for curves
• Turning circle of large haul trucks
• Super-Elevation
• Super-Elevation Runout
• Inflection point
• Spiral or transition curve
• Vertical curve
• Optimal and maximum sustained grades
• Road Geometrical Design Process
o Integrating design
methodology with mining plan
o Including haul roads in
the ultimate pit design
o Integrating roads
through the mine schedule
o Safety berms, ditches
and drainage
o Intersection design
• Road Surface
o Traction
o Rolling resistance
o Typical rolling
resistance values
• Haul Road
• Designing roads using string editing
o Design a road using
o Design a road using
o Design a road at a
Constant Gradient Along Contours
o Create a variable width
road outline
• Using the road
design module
o Create horizontal curves
o Drape centreline over DTM
o Create longitudinal profile
o Create vertical inflection points
o Create vertical curves
• Apply longitudinal profile
• Create road outline
• Calculating road design volumes
• Calculate road cut volume
• Calculate road fill volume