Mine and Plant Simulation

We build simulation models of mining systems with a direct linkage to short-term production plan. We have successfully built simulation of large-scale mining operations for our clients validated with 3% percent accuracy with 95% statistical confidence against historical production data.

Discrete-Event Simulation of Mining Systems:

This model is a planning tool that could be reused for future studies and planning. The optimal short-term production schedule is the main input to the simulation model in an Excel file format. Short-term planning blocks will be aggregated into selective minable shapes based on a similarity index which could be defined as a weighted function of grade, rock-type, recovery, block dollar-value, or other attributes of interest. These clusters of blocks will represent mining-faces with uniform material. The clustering approach allows practical mining-faces to be defined with accurate dilution factors. These mining-faces are one of the main components of the simulation model. In the simulation model shovels move to a mining-face and load the material associated with the blocks that belong to that mining-face. The destination of the material is already decided by the short-term production schedule. Vertical and horizontal precedence among mining-faces are defined, which follow a minable precedence among the blocks honoring overall pit-slopes. The precedence of mining-faces will be honored in the simulation model. This means that at any given time there are a number of available mining-faces that shovels could be allocated to them. The general structure of the main components and modules in the simulation are as follows:

      • The input interface for the probability distributions in Excel,
      • The interface of the short-term production schedule and the simulation,
      • The input interface of the haulage-network in Excel
      • The logic for the mining-face extraction sequence in Arena
      • The logic of truck-shovel systems linked to the short-term plan
      • The logic of auxiliary equipment
      • The cost calculation and reporting methodologies for the operation
      • The failures of mining-systems and downstream activities logic in Arena,
      • The strategies to change the short-term plan due to failures,
      • The dispatching logic that mimics the mine’s dispatching system,
      • The stockpiling strategies,
      • The fuel consumption calculation logic,
      • The real-time animation dashboards for the systems’ KPIs,
      • The reporting and charting simulation output analysis in Excel and PDF reports.

        • Results and Deliverables

          Results and deliverables expected as key outcomes of this research project are truck-shovel operational planning methodology, simulation software, and documented best-practice guidelines which are able to:

          Truck-shovel allocation

        • Optimize loading and haulage systems efficiency
        • Optimally allocate trucks and shovels to mining-faces to comply with
        • Maximize the mine’s production utilizing the available truck-shovel system
        • Minimize the number of trucks required to meet the production target
        • Meet hourly plant head-grade blending requirements
        • Avoid unnecessary shovel moves
        • Meet target production in tonnes and grade with minimum number of mining-faces
        • Expose material for excavation in a timely fashion as per the short-term schedule
        • Minimize unit mining costs
        • Optimize the truck-shovel fleet size
        • Maximize productivity with available equipment
        • Achieve a desired production with minimum equipment

        • Productivity

        • Improve system efficiency by reducing truck waiting time at processing plants
        • Assess mining-systems’ productivity
        • Evaluate various operating techniques and scenarios to maximize fleet productivity
        • Investigate the impact of the selected equipment and operating decisions on fleet performance
        • Assess multiple fleet possibilities and investigate various scenarios
        • Study the impact of various heuristic dispatching policies on improving haulage productivity
        • Understand the factors that impact on fleet productivity and cost

        • Production Schedule

        • Assess impact of haulage system, cycle times, and correct matching on the schedule
        • Maximize tonnes per truck ready hour
        • Provide more accurate short-term forecasts for equipment operating hours
        • Model crushers as units that interact with the truck-shovel system
        • Assess the goodness of selection of the number of trucks assigned to the mine
        • Design the mine-layout to fit equipment characteristics
        • Evaluate the impact of haul road profiles and rolling resistance on optimum truck match
        • Quantify the economic effect of over and under-trucking
        • Serve as a planning tool to estimate the compliance of planned vs. actual tonnes and grades
        • Integrate cost data and calibrate haulage systems against actual historical performance data
        • Evaluate how the system characteristics change due to changes in the haulage distance
        • Assure adequate working room for equipment

        • Dispatching

        • Assess the operational outcome of the truck-shovel system based on the reliability
        • Gauge the impact of different dispatching rules on the overall efficiency of system
        • Achieve a lower probability of queuing at shovels and crushers
        • Assess functioning of trucks, mean times of truck work cycle phases and corresponding statistics
        • Minimize the wait time seen by the shovels and trucks in the system
        • Enhance the analysis and comparison of available heuristic truck dispatching policies
        • Increase utilization of truck-shovel systems and reduce waiting times in the haulage network
        • Reveal bottlenecks in the proposed truck haulage-system
        • Simulate complex traffic behaviour of platoon formation and congestion propagation
        • Minimize truck wait-time
        • Minimize shovel wait-time
        • Minimize shovel production requirement
        • Minimize truck cycle time
        • Minimize shovel saturation
        • Assist in auxiliary equipment management
        • Minimize the impact of shift-change and scheduled crew changes on equipment utilization
        • Assess the impact of trainee, qualified, and experienced shovel and truck operators on production
        • Assure proper change of shovel operators
        • Calculation of fuel consumption and load factor for haul profiles and trucks

        • Maintenance

        • Develop a maintenance schedule based on variations in truck-shovel utilizations over time
        • Evaluate required number of spare loading machines
        • Assess the number of trucks in reserve and the number of repair stands in the repair-shop
        • Measure the changes of reliability states of the mining systems (work-repair-reserve)
        • Determine reliability of truck-workshop system to schedule repairs and overhauls